Weingut Familie Hansruedi Adank

St. Luzi 3, 7306 Fläsch, Grisons

Swiss, Wine bars & wine taverns


Vines and wine are our passion, our motivation. We love the craft, the diverse tasks throughout the seasons. In winter, when we lay the foundation for the upcoming vintage under the clear sky of the Bündner Herrschaft with the pruning of the vines. In summer, when the dewdrops glisten on the grape leaves in the morning during the leaf work. And especially in autumn: that's when we, along with the harvest team, pick the grapes – locally known as "wimmle" – and then the work in the cellar begins.

Experience and craftsmanship are tailored to the Fläscher terroir. Rich in limestone and, depending on the location, enriched with clay and loam, these permeable, warm slate soils shape our wines. Yet, it's the microclimate that makes the Fläscher terroir perfect: In autumn, the sky over the Bündner Herrschaft is usually deep blue, and the air feels like silk. Then, the föhn wind sweeps through the regions of the Alpine Rhine. It dries the dew from the grapes, and its warmth adds the final touch to the ripeness of the berries. No matter how hot it can get during the day. Towards evening, cool downslope winds from the Fläscher mountain sweep through the vines, ensuring a balanced acidity.

Adank Wines is a family winery, and it goes without saying that we tackle all tasks together. The strength of our small team lies in its size. Mutual appreciation and an open ear for the ideas and visions in our minds advance our wines. Honest craftsmanship, sustainability, and time form the cornerstones of our philosophy. Time that we take to make the right decisions and time that we give the wines to reach their perfection. Craftsmanship that builds on the experiences we gain day by day in the cellar and the vineyards. Sustainability that we live by: We aim to pass our soils on to the next generation as diverse and as biodiverse as possible.


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Weingut Familie Hansruedi Adank
Opening hours
Monday - Sunday: